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A Quick Crash Course on JRPGs
How Did I Get into Them

LATEST UPDATES: March 12th, 2025: Updated the front page with my current media (anime + games) plus I created an update archive in order not to make the right sidebar too crowded. That's what I'm doing instead of writing my thesis lmao.

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The Nintendo DS is one of Nintendo's most beloved handheld systems. It sported early 3D graphics and a touch screen with a lot of possibilities. To be honest, I can't find the words to describe how much I love the Nintendo DS. It was the first videogame system I owned brand new (and the only one) where games were coming out. Growing up, I only had a hand-me-down Gameboy Color with a few games and my desktop computer, so it was quite an improvement. I got my first DS Lite (the white one) for Christmas '07 along with Big Brain Academy. I was 12 and begged for months for this system because a few friends had it and I longed for it. A LOT. A month after I got my system at last I got a M3 DS Real, and it opened a world of possibilities. I couldn't believe I could play any game I wanted! That's how I got into series like Puyo Puyo, Mario, The World Ends With You, WarioWare and more. Sadly, after five years of continous use (sans the last year since it was already falling apart), my DS bit the dust. RIP bozo, 2007-2012, never 4forget. I was DSless for five long years. I truly missed gaming, but I filled my void with anime and music. That's until Christmas 2017 came along and decided to get another DS, this time a white DSi.

Fun times with my Nintendo DSi!

It was one of the best decisions of my gaming life. For 28€ I got another DS and even a much better one than my old faulty DS Lite! (most of them were very faulty due to the shitty hinges). I've been playing a lot with it and nowadays it's my trusty fun machine with Unlaunch and Twilight Menu++. I've beaten over 80 games in almost 18 years since I got my first DS and there's still a lot of future games in my backlog! I can't get enough of this machine lol.

What about the 3DS??
In April 2021, a white and red Nintendo 2DS joined my gaming family. I customized it with space-themed decals and hacked it, obviously! I've enjoyed many gems such as Fire Emblem Awakening, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Pokémon UltraSun and more! It's a fun litte system, and it covers my handheld needs.

My baby. This photo was taken in 2023 but it's still going strong. Currently going trhu Dragon Quest VIII and enjoying every second of it!!!!

So, what do you think another handhelds?
I'd LOVE to own a PS Vita or PSP someday. I'm not a complete Nintendo fangirl, I appreciate games from all companies (except you, Microsoft). And because the PS Vita was the 'last' classic PlayStation system before they shifted their business to boring first-person games I'd be delighted to be able to play stuff like Gravity Rush and Muramasa. Idk man I love handhelds.
About other handhelds such as Atari Lynx, Game Gear and all that I can't speak much about them because I've never played them. Well, it's natural since I was born in '95 and those systems were long-dead when I became a sentient being lol. I'd like to try out some GG stuff (in fact, I NEED to play more games from Sega's back catalogue).
Finally, if we're talking about other Nintendo handhelds, I grew up with GBC and GBA games, but I tend to enjoy more the DS and 3DS. Don't get me wrong, the GBA had a stellar JRPG lineup, but most of them were ports, whereas the Nintendo DS has great exclusive games.
And no, I didn't forget the Steam Deck. It's one of those systems I'd die to own if I had the chance, since I own like 100 Steam games and it's my 'main' gaming platform.

*takes a deep breath*
The World Ends With You, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Dragon Quest IV & V, Final Fantasy IV, Chocobo Tales, Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary, WarioWare Touched, Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Professor Layton & the Unwound Future, Hotel Dusk & Last Window, Another Code: Two Memories, Bejeweled 3, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, Suikoden Tierkreis, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Sonic Rush, Elite Beat Agents, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Kirby: Squeak Attack, Picross 3D, Tetris DS.